Light Therapy for a Smooth, Glowing Complexion
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial is a minimally invasive therapy that uses high-intensity broadband light to rejuvenate skin. IPL helps reduce the appearance of a range of skin issues that deplete self-confidence like blotchiness, uneven skin tone, facial redness, pigmented spots and sun damage. Rosacea and tiny spider veins that develop on the nose and cheekbones are excellent targets for Photofacial treatments.
What is Intense Pulsed Light?
IPL works much like a laser, however, it uses a much broader light spectrum than just one specific frequency. Simply put, IPL is short flashes of very bright light that penetrate the skin at different depths. A powerful, advanced technology, Intense Pulsed Light applies the precision and effectiveness of a group of lasers in a single treatment.
IPL Photo Facial lessens the appearance of
- Sun Damage
- Flushing
- Uneven Skin Texture
- Redness
- Broken Capillaries
- Brown Spots
- Age Spots
- Sun-Induced Freckles on the Hands, Chest & Face
- Broken Capillaries Around the Nose
- Fine Lines, Wrinkles & Large Pores